Janusz Piczak

Member of the Management Board

Education and Qualifications:

A graduate of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and Krakow University of Economics.

Professional experience:

2012 – present            President of the Management Board of Finveco Sp. z o.o. [LLC] and Finveco
Investments Sp. z o.o. [LLC], his subsidiary
2012 – present            Chairmen of the Supervisory Board of Hertz Systems Ltd Sp. z o.o. [LLC]
2009 – present            Member of the Supervisory Board of Novita S.A.
2001 – 2007                 Owner, President of the Management Board of Finventis Sp. z o.o. [LLC]
1999 – 2001                 Self-employed advisor for Biuro Doradztwa Gospodarczego ”Noviart” [Economic Consulting]
1993 – 2004                 Novita Capital Group: President of the Management Board of Novita Towarzystwo
Inwestycyjne S.A. [Investment Company]  (”Novita Holding” S.A.), President of the Supervisory
Board of ”NOVITA” S.A., Member of the Supervisory Board of Novita Market S.A. and Novita
Przedzalnia [Spinning Plant] S.A., Vice-President of the Management Board of “NOVITA” S.A.
(1998 -2004)
1991 – 1993                 Co-owner and Director of Inveco Trading c.c. and Alcor Invest Co.
1989 – 1991                 Przedsiebiorstwo Panstwowe Zastal [Zastal State Enterprise] in Zielona Gora – export
clerk, Head of Export Department and Head of Capital Investment and Marketing Team
1987 – 1988                 Zaganskie Przedsiebiorstwo Budowlane Przemyslu Chemicznego i Lekkiego “Modernbud”
[Chemical and Light Industry Construction] – export clerk

According to his declaration, he does not pursue an activity which would be competitive with respect to the issuer’s activity. He does not participate in a competitor company as a partner in a civil law partnership, a personal partnership association or a member of a corporation governing bodies, neither does he take part in another competitor legal person as a member of its body.

He is not entered into the Insolvent Debtor Register, kept based on the Act on the National Court Register.

According to his declaration, he does not meet the independence criterion of Members of the Supervisory Body – he is the owner and President of the one-person Management Board of Finveco Sp. z o.o., a shareholder.