Rami Gabay

Member of the Management Board

Education: Master of Arts, Economics
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Management

Professional experience:

2018 – present  Vaporjet Ltd – CEO
2012 – 2018       Vaporjet Ltd – VP Marketing and Sales
2008 – 2012       Hollandia International – International Marketing Director

Other activities and participation in companies:

Vaporjet Ltd – CEO. This activity is not competitive in relation to the activities carried out in the undertaking of the issuer.

Does not participate in a competitive company as a partner in a civil partnership, partnership or as a member of a capital company or in another competitive legal entity as a member of its body.

Is not listed in the register of insolvent debtors, maintained pursuant to the Act on the national register of court.

Does not perform activities outside the issuer which is relevant for the issuer.

In addition to the mentioned above, for the past three years was not a member of the management or supervisory authorities or a partner in companies constituted under civil or commercial law.

During the last five years has not been convicted for crimes of fraud and has not received a judicial prohibition for acting as a member of management or supervisory bodies in commercial companies.

Over the last five years, with respect to the entities in which he served as a member of a management or supervisory body, bankruptcy, a receivership or liquidation has not been announced.